Thursday, May 23, 2013

Save me from your followers

Recently I saw a bumper sticker that read:
There are people today who say that they love Christ but they don't like Christians.  Others say that Christ saves but the church enslaves. 
The Apostle John loved the church.  He believed in the church.  Now some may say that is the church universal but not the local church.  The problem is that the church universal is made up of local bodies of believers.  If you say that you love the church universal but not the local body you are not being accountable to anyone.
The church is where the truth is proclaimed, where the truth is guarded.  When people ignore the local church they have no one to answer to but themselves.  They may argue that they follow the Bible but do they?
The local church is not perfect but to be a Christian means to belong to one another.  How can you do that without the church.  When you read the New Testament take time to notice all the "one another" references.  You cannot obey the "one another's" of Scripture without belonging to one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is this writen again?