Sunday, May 19, 2013


Where is home?  What is home?  Home is a refuge.  Home is where your parents are.  Home is where you are loved for no other reason than because you are part of the family.  You are loved unconditionally.  You are loved because you are loved. 
Two of our sons came home for awhile when they were not feeling secure.  They had never lived in the house that we now live in but they came "home".  It was not the place but it was where mom and dad were and it was where they could have a sense of security, where they could be loved, where they belonged.
Moses tells us that God is our dwelling place.  God is where we have refuge, God is where we have security, God is where we are loved, God is where we can be satisfied.  He is our home.  Our home is where our Father is.
That was the lesson of the first two verses of Psalm 90.  What a powerful lesson.  We don't come to God to escape judgment primarily but to find satisfaction for our souls. 

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