Tuesday, November 13, 2012

God's strange ways

On Sunday evening Mike was teaching us from Isaiah 28.  Man was saying that what was being taught them by God was a lie, it was childish and it was boring.  They said that God was not about to judge them as Isaiah had said.  The problem was they didn't understand God's judgment.  They felt that if God judged them it would be by a sudden and violent calamity and since that wasn't happening then God's judgment was a myth.
I have seen many people take that same approach to God.  They say something or do something that they shouldn't and then pretend as if God will strike them dead for doing it.  They neither understand God or His judgment.  The sad thing is that Christians often think this way as well.  In Romans 1:18 we are told that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness.  Paul then goes on to say that God gave them over to a depraved way of thinking. 
I disciplined my children when they were growing up because I loved them but if I didn't care about them or maybe even worse then I would have ignored them and let them do what they wanted to do.  Those that we love we discipline and if I as an imperfect parent acted this way how much more would our heavenly Father who loves us dearly and deeply discipline us. 

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