Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Forbidden Room

The church we attended in another city had a forbidden room. We were to keep out as entrance into that room was restricted. The restrictions were there because the room was not up to code. That did not stop my son from going into that room so eventually I to went into that room.
We also participated in an historic church tour of Thunder Bay and one of the churches was interesting but not so historic. The church was the Ukrainian Orthodox church and the area at the front of the church was restricted to only the clergy. We could look but we could not enter.
The veil in the tabernacle said, "Keep out!" Only the High Priest could enter and that once a year to make atonement for the people. However, when Christ died the veil was ripped apart and access was open to all. No longer was the sign saying, "Keep out!" but now the sign said, "Welcome!"

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