Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Two prodigals

In my family there were two prodigals (that I know of). One that left home, one that stayed home. The younger left home when he was about 16. He quit school and disappeared for about a year. There were rumours but no facts. Why did he leave home? Only he and God knows. It may have been because of a legalistic father. It could have been because he wanted to experience another side of life or it could have been because of the legalism of an elder brother.
The other prodigal stayed home. He went to university to obtain a good education and he got a good job which he stayed with. Though he was near his parents he was far from them relationally. He never had a close relationship with his father because he saw his father as a legalist while he himself was a legalist. One day he heard about the runaway brother and passed that information onto to his parents. Why? It was he secretly felt he he was much better than his brother and his parents would see that too.
Then one day the younger brother came home, physically but not necessarily emotionally. The elder brother did not welcome him and resented that his parents welcomed him home even though they knew what he had done.
I am the elder brother. I am glad to say that relationally I did come home. I am not sure about the younger brother but I know that I have to guard my heart against being a legalist again.

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