Friday, April 17, 2009

Jesus but not the church

It is common today for someone to say that the like Jesus but not the church. I would like to investigate that statement over the next few days. I certainly would like to hear from you about this.
Here are some of the reasons that were given why people don't like the church.
1. Hypocritical - Christians say one thing but live something else.
2. Get saved. - Christians are only concerned with converting others.
3. Anti-homosexual. - Christians show contempt for gays and lesbians.
4. Sheltered. - Christians are boring, unintelligent, old fashioned, out of touch.
5. Too Political. - Christians are motivated by a right wing political agenda.
6. Judgmental. - Christians are proud and find fault with others.
Do you agree with these findings? Sadly some or all are true. The church is the bride of Christ but have we soiled the wedding garment?

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