Sunday, March 16, 2008

Early Easter

This year Easter is the earliest it has been since 1913. Easter is determined by the Sunday following the first full moon following the equinox. Therefore Easter can occur between March 22 and April 25 usually occuring around April 15.
There was a group who tried to fix the date of Easter and the date that was suggested was to correspond to earth day. In this the signifance of Easter could be lost to a secularized world.
Why do I write about Easter on a blog that deals with the Ten Commandments? First, we see very quickly that we cannot keep the commandments and if we had to keep the Ten Commandments to earn heaven then heaven would be empty. However, because of the cross and Easter there is grace to approach our God and to find favour in our time of need. Second, just as the world would like to push the Ten Commandments out of the public forum so they would like to push Christ out of Easter and make Easter about "Mother Earth" and eggs and bunnies. The Ten Commandments are offensive to the world because they speak of the exclusivity of God. Easter is offensive because it speaks of the exclusivity of Jesus Christ.

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