Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Unacceptable Offering

In Deuteronomy 23 Moses tells the people that they cannot use the profits from cult prostitutes in the house of God.  Well we might say that is not our problems but ...
What if someone came to the church with an offering of $100000 which was what they said was the tithe on their lottery winnings.  The church should not even consider accepting these monies.  Why is this not acceptable?  It is not the money but what it represents.  By accepting this money the church is condoning gambling. 
But there is much more to this than just accepting money from the sex trade or gambling.  Should the church accept money from people who make questionable investments, run unethical business, etc.  God doesn't need our money.  There is no blessing from giving to God that which is tainted. 

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