Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is Fair Trade Fair?

I don't really know.  It is like so many other things, it depends upon who you are reading.  Some say yes and others say no.  Some say that fair trade is a scam and that the farmers who grow bananas or coffee get less money for fair trade produce than those that don't.
So what should we do? 
First, we should always do what is right when we know it is right.  We should always pay a fair price when we know what is a fair price.  We should not always look to buy something because it is cheaper but we should do some investigating to see if the product is made using child labour or unfair trade and labour practices.
Second, we must always be fair with those that we deal with.  We should pay those that work for us a fair wage.  We should care for those who come under our care.  We should never take advantage of others.
Finally, we should help those that need help.  Give to the poor, treat all people with respect and dignity.

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