Wednesday, April 24, 2013

God remembers; Man forgets

Deuteronomy could be called the book of remembrance.  Moses reviews the history of the Israelites to remind them that though they might forget what God has done God will not forget His people.  He reminds them that they need to renew the covenant that was made by their parents at Sinai and they must do it early after they have arrived in the land.  He instructs them how to do this and where it is to be done. 
We don't put much stock in renewing our covenant today but maybe it is something we should.  We need to remember what we were, what God did for us, how He gave us victory.  We need to repent of the areas where we have allowed the world to influence our thinking and how we have compromised our convictions.  We need to return to what we once did and we need to do it again. 
It is not common, in fact it is very rare, in evangelical churches to have a covenant renewal service but maybe it is something we need to return to.  Just wondering.

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