Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two Feasts

As I studied Daniel 5 I was struck by the fact that Belshazzar was known only because he gave a party. I couldn't help but think about the fact that there will be another feast at the end of the age. Jesus didn't have the wherewithal to have a party while he was on earth but he will host a party at the end, it will be the marriage supper of the Lamb. We will be there, not because we want to be associated with Belshazzar but because we will be the honoured guests.
It stuck me also as I looked at Daniel how we see the comparison of two in each chapter.
In chapter two we have the two kingdoms; the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of Christ.
In chapter three we have two world views; the worldly view and the Biblical world view.
In chapter four we have two trees; Nebuchadnezzar that was a beautiful tree and the cross.
In chapter five as I mentioned the two feasts.
Now what about chapter six? I see two tombs with stones rolled in front and two resurrections. I would like to study this idea this week.

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