Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Glorious Brothers

One of my favourite novels of all time is Howard Fast's "My Glorious Brothers". It was published in 1948 and it tells the story of the Maccabean revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes IV. As you study Daniel you are reminded that the enemies of God always make war against God's people but you know that their time is only limited. As a matter of fact God knows when that time will come right down to the day. He did says 2300 evenings and days so there is no doubt that He know the time and we can take comfort in that.

A brief description: They were farmers-until the tumultuous events of history caught up with them. Simon, the eldest of five brothers, tells how Judah molded the people of Judea into an army capable of defeating the mighty Greek Battalions. For three decades, the Maccabees carried on the struggle, which, in terms of resistance and liberation, has almost no parallel in human history. It was the first modern fight for freedom, the first victory for religious freedom, and it laid a pattern for many movements that followed. My Glorious Brothers, by the master novelist and historian, Howard Fast (Spartacus, Freedom Road, April Morning), is a powerful recreation of the epic events, still celebrated by Jews the world over as the holiday of Hanukkah.

1 comment:

GDAC Bible Studies said...

I received a gift from my friend Mike today, a hard cover copy of this book. Wow!