Monday, September 27, 2010


David Platt wrote a book called Radical. There are three questions that he asks:
1. Will you choose comfort or the cross?
2. Will you settle for maintenance in our churches or mission?
3. Will you be marked by an indecisive mind or an undivided heart?
One man who is reading this book said that it sometimes makes him glad and other times it makes him mad. I can understand that totally.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe,
I've heard you reference this book several times, and I look forward to reading it for myself as soon as I can. I thought you might be interested in this review of the book ...
(This review was also featured by The Gospel Coalition.)
Another reviewer made this comment "It sounds to me that this book is yet one more tiresome critique on Christians and the church for not doing just quite enough of just what an author thinks they should be doing. Meanwhile, a secular culture continues headlong in full binge mode regarding its moral chaos, anti-church and anti-Christian zealotry, baby-killing, greedy gov’t, porn-obsession, family-destruction, smut-glorification, child-abuse and hate goes forward. But it’s safe to spend our energy hitting the church and Christians in today’s corrupt sexular culture." (Joel Mark)

GDAC Bible Studies said...

I sometimes think that we see this as church bashing but I see it more as a challenge to us as individuals. The church is made up of its members and each member helps to shape the local body. I have said that this book is a book that I both loved and hated but the best part is that it made me think. It made me think not just as I read it but it is like a sliver in my mind - something I cannot forget. A good book is not always in agreement with everything we believe but it challenges us to think. This book made me think, evaluate and pray for the church as well as my part as an individual.
No I haven't read the review yet but I hope to do so really soon.