Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Praise Power???

John White tells this story in his book, Parents in Pain:

My friend Jean has a seventeen-year-old daughter who drinks too much, has been on and off drugs of various sorts, has mad three suicide attempts and had two illegal abortions. Jean is a single parent, torn apart both by the frustration of trying to keep a home together (she has two younger children) and by mingled rage and compasion toward her oldest daughter.
"Try praise poer," a christian friend advised.
"Praise power?"
"Yes, Have you never praised God that Sasha tried to commint suicide? Have you never praised him that she drinks too much?"
Jean was shocked. But desperate, she was ready to clutch at straws. She knew enough of the Bible to be dubious about the theology of the suggestion, but she could not resist the force of her friend's enthusiasm and her glowing accounts of "deliverance through praise power>"
"God has to respond to praise! He can't resist it! What's more, the devil can't stand it. Demons take flight. Just praise him, Jean! Praise him for the mess she's in! Praise him because you're torn in two and can't stand it anymore! Praise him that he will come in and take over!"

John White goes on to say that this story is not extreme.

People do not relize that what they are doing is making them selves above God by controlling Him. That is heresy.

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