Saturday, January 24, 2009

Grace Walk Again

There were two books that I read that turned my thoughts to 2 Peter. One was Grace Walk by Steve McVey and the other was Hidden in Plain Sight by Mark Buchanan. When I was reading Grace Walk I was feeling frustrated. I agreed with much of what he said but there was something missing. It came to me as I read a passage of Scripture he quoted on page 69. He quoted 2 Peter 1:3 - 4. When I turned to that passage it struck me that he stopped too soon. Peter then says in verse 5, "for this reason". McVey wanted to stop at the end of verse 4 but Peter was only beginning.
I then read Mark Buchanan's book and he used 2 Peter 1:5 - 7 for the text of his book. I knew then that the reason I was frustrated with McVey's book was that he did not see the discipline that is necessary to grow in our walk. Yes, we have everything we need but having everything and being what we should be are not the same thing.


Anonymous said...

Wondering if you had the discipline to read the whole book before commenting on McVey's lack of discipline in getting into growing... It's called Grace "Walk" for a reason. :) He does get into growth, and walking it all out as the book progresses... (although it may or may not be the same way you would look at it).

GDAC Bible Studies said...

I did read the whole book and I wrote a review of it. My concern was with the way he defined grace and legalism. To me the book was a knee jerk reaction to legalism. I do not comment on books unless I have taken the time to read them, that would be unfair to the author.