Monday, January 19, 2009


I wrote this about 15 years ago. I know that my sons think differently about each other today. However, this does say something about brotherly kindness.

Tonight my oldest son was going swimming and we asked him to take his brother with him. He was so put out that he had to take his brother that finally his brother didn't want to go with him. I know that each one needs there own space and their own time but sometimes we hurt others feelings because of our own selfish wishes.

When I was 14 my two older brothers took me with them on a trip that they took from Saskatchewan to what is now Thunder Bay. I know that it was not in their plans to have their younger brother tag along but I appreciated being with them. The next summer once again they took me with them when they went to British Columbia.

Brothers are often cruel one to another but they are also a great gift from God. I don't see my brothers that often but I appreciate them and even though we have different interests we still care for each other. I am thankful for the time they spent with me. I hope that my children will have similar memories when they are grown and have children of their own.

The word that is translated brotherly kindness is actually brotherly love, the greek word being phileo which stands against the word agape which is used for love as the last virtue. I think the translators used the word brotherly kindness so as not to confuse the two but it sort of misses the meaning.

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