Monday, April 28, 2008

And the Floor Came Tumbling Down

The Canadian Christian band was performing a concert at a church in Abbotsford, B.C. when the floor gave way in front of the stage where a number of young fans were jumping up and down. Someone once said that you couldn't fall off the floor but I did it twice when were were putting on an addition to our house in Thunder Bay.
When Joshua led the Israelites on their march around Jericho it was nothing but a miracle that the walls came down. Some have tried to explain away the miracle by saying that an earthquake occurred at that time or others have explained it by the vibrations of the marches both outside and on the walls. But it is more than a coincidence that the walls fall at that precise moment that the people shouted and that one part of the wall did not fall. Why do some people think that it is important that we explain a miracle? Are they embarrassed that they believe in an almighty powerful God? If God wanted to He could put Humpty Dumpty together again.

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