Monday, September 1, 2014


It has been months since I last posted on this blog.  Two weeks from yesterday we will begin a new series in the Adult Bible Class.  This fall we will be looking at the Gospel according to Luke.
Why Luke?
It started about a year ago when a friend gave me a copy of Michael Card's book on Luke.  I read it through and put it on the shelf.  Awhile later I began to think about what I would teach in the fall and I realized that I have not spent any time in the Gospels.  I was drawn back to look again at the Gospels and decided that I wanted to spend time with Luke.
Since then another friend of mine to encourage me in my studies and teaching asked what books I wanted on the Gospel according to Luke.  I asked for the commentaries by Philip Ryken which he bought for me.  I started reading the first volume and realized what I had been missing by not spending time in the Gospels.
I hope you take time to journey with me through this amazing account of the life of our Lord.  I am excited to begin this series.

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