Sunday, July 21, 2013

Power in the Blood

Growing up in rural Saskatchewan I did enjoy the rousing singing we did at our little church.  One of the songs we sang often was Power in the Blood.  Later I thought about that song and wondered why there was power in the blood.  The blood itself has no power but it represents the life.  When Jesus blood was shed on Calvary it represented that His life was given for our sins.  If Jesus had cut His finger do you think that there would have been power in the blood of that finger?  As Christians we need to always remember that the power in the blood is because of whose blood and why it was shed.
Similarly people often wear crosses or hang crosses around their necks.  Why?  The cross has no power in itself but the cross is where our Lord and Saviour died.  The cross without Christ has not significance.  The blood without the life and death of our Lord has no power. 
I still sing that wonderful hymn but I know now what it means. 

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