Monday, December 3, 2012

Attention to Details

I am so embarrassed.  Why?  I will get to that in a moment but first I must write a confession.  I am terrible about paying attention to details.  When someone asks whether a person had glasses, what colour of hair, what they were wearing, I am afraid that I come up short.  That can be embarrassing when I don't notice that my wife got a hair cut or a new outfit. 
However, as a mathematics teacher I was a stickler for details.  Proper introduction to problems, proper use of equal signs, etc.  As a Bible teacher I also must be a stickler for details.  I know that you can gather truth from a casual study of the Word but the real gems are found in the details.
So why was I embarrassed?  I found a nice template for my PowerPoint lesson on Sunday.  The problem was I didn't check the details.  There lying on the Bible was a rosary.  Why didn't I notice that before but I didn't.  Most people didn't notice but some did and I must say thank you to those who pointed it out to me.  I have to be more careful about the details.

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