Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sit, Walk, Stand

I was reading Psalm 1 this morning and Psalm 1:1 says, "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers."  I couldn't help but notice that the order is so different from the book of Ephesians where we are instructed to first find our rest in Christ, then we can walk in this world and finally we can take a stand against the enemy.  The wicked man in Psalm 1 first walks with the ungodly (going along with the crowd) then he takes a stand with them (his world view has been shaped by the wicked) and then he sits with them (finding his rest in those that are opposed to the Gospel).
The Gospel tells us that we are first to find our rest in Christ, then we can do service for Him and finally take a stand with Him against the enemy.  This is the same order as creation.  Man was created on day 6 and his first day was a day of rest.  He then was given work to do in caring for the garden.  But when the opportunity came for him to take a stand against the enemy he failed. 

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