Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Must See

I made a comment in class this past Sunday about YouTube. If you are on Facebook you will notice that there are postings constantly about a YouTube video that you "must see". Usually they range from a warm sappy story with a loose message to something funny but really they are not a "must see". Now don't get me wrong, I like most of those videos but my complaint is not the videos but how those videos have become the focus of what we do as Christians. The videos are a "must see" so the Bible is no longer a "must read". We have reduced Christianity to 2 or 3 or 5 or 10 minute videos. Most of these have a moralistic view of Christianity rather than a Gospel view.
I have a friend who posts a lot of music videos. I love them but I don't watch them all. I know that they can help with my worship but he knows (so he never says) that these are a "must see". I hope he keeps posting them. I know that even if I don't watch them all someone will be blessed by them.
So what about videos? Should Christians keep posting them? Yes, but Christians need to realise that these will never replace the Word of God or a devotional book.

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