Sunday, October 17, 2010


Growing up we ate parsnips. I hated parsnips. I never wanted to eat parsnips again. However, I got married and my wife likes parsnips. Not only does she like them but she cooks them in a totally different way than what I ate as a child. So I ate the parsnips. Guess what? After eating parsnips for many years I can honestly say that I now enjoy parsnips.

So what has this to do with the Lord's prayer? Spiritual disciplines are like that. We have difficulty praying or reading our Bibles but as we discipline ourselves we begin to like doing that and then the time comes when we look forward to the time in the Word and in prayer. We are told to discipline ourselves to godliness. Many people give up because they tried their parsnips once and didn't like them.

1 comment:

Thall said...

Is that why we never ate them much growing up? Because you thought you hated them? I tell you - I think they are one of the most delicious vegetables around - as long as you cut out that gross woody core.