Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Days of Elijah Part 3

2. The answer to our prayers may bring hardship upon us.

When Elijah prayed that it would not rain for three and one half years the result of that prayer was drought and famine. That drought did not just affect the king and his court but it affected the whole region. Elijah was not immune to the drought. As he sat by the stream he saw the stream become smaller and smaller. As he watched the water dry up he knew that eventually he would lose his source of livelihood. Some people today think that when they pray that God will bring them comfort and ease. The comfort may come but it will not necessarily be through ease, it may be through hardship. We may pray for a closer walk with the Lord and find that we have cancer. Does that mean that God didn’t hear our prayer? God may use the cancer to show that we need to depend upon Him. Many people have testified that they thank God for the trials that He allowed to come into their lives. They would not pray for those trials but they knew that those trials are what brought them closer to their God.

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