Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thanks but to whom?

Suppose you look at scenes like those above and feel an overwhelming sense of awe and wish to give thanks for the beauty around you but because you are an atheist you have no one to thank. You cannot thank chance because that sounds too much like thanking a creator. What does an atheist do?
Richard Dawkins has decided to have a summer camp for young atheists. I wonder what their camp songs will sound like? Kids naturally want to believe in God so Dawkins thinks he has to "program" them differently. Albert Mohler says that he has "jumped the shark" on this one.
Doesn't it seem strange that to be an atheist you have to refer to what you don't believe in rather than what you do believe in? Even the flat earth people have it better than that.
Just thinking and I am thankful to my Creator.
By the way, I took those pictures in 1972 when my wife and I honeymooned in BC.

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