Sunday, March 29, 2009

Unexpected Lesson

Last night we received an email that fit so perfectly in with the lesson today on Habakkuk 1. I will quote part of the email here:

I just got off the phone with my friend A and I wanted to give you an update. She got home from the hospital yesterday evening and she is doing much, much better. The first couple days after she was admitted, she felt so miserable and overcome with panic about having to be there. She said it was really weird being in a psych ward because there were so many people with major problems, most of which were manifested through violence! She said she felt like she was in prison. But then on Wednesday night, after having so much time alone, God broke something inside her and she was finally able to pray and worship, which she hadn't felt able to do in months! She spent the last 2 days confessing to God and singing in her room. She got to share the gospel with 11 people including her psychiatrist..... When she went in, she didn't even know if God existed and she came out realizing that whatever her circumstances, even in a place like that, she could be content in Him! She knows that she still has a lot of work ahead of her, but she has a new perspective. I was struck by how for the last couple weeks she's felt so hopeless and said that: God isn't there, there's no purpose to her suffering, there's no way out of the depression, etc, yet He broke every one of those lies!! Keep praying for her though because she is still struggling against it.

God told Habakkuk that what He was going to so was so amazing and even if He explained it to him he would not understand. Who would have guessed that going to a psych ward was the answer to pray. God does not fit into our formulas, He cannot be contained.

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