Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Didache

Someone in our class gave me the following this morning. It was written around the end of the first century and it tells how to recognize false teachers.

1) Whoever comes to teach you in accordance with all these things we've written here, receive him.
2) But if the teacher himself goes astray, teaching another doctrine which would undermine this doctrine, do not hear him; but if his teaching provokes you to greater righteousness and increases your knowledge, welcome him.

3) Concerning the emissaries and prophets, Deal with them according to the decree of our Teaching.

4) Let every emissary that comes to you be received.
5) But he must not remain longer than one day, unless it is absolutely necessary, in which case he may stay another. But if he stays three days, suspect him as a false prophet.
6) When the emissary leaves, send him with only bread to sustain him to his next destination. But if he asks for money, be assured that he is a false prophet.

7) Do not test or judge any prophet who speaks according to the Spirit.
8) But be warned; not everyone who speaks according to the Spirit is a prophet, but only those who walk in the Spirit. Therefore, from their consistent behaviors can you discern the false prophet.
9) And every prophet who commands food to be brought to him in the Spirit will not eat from it, unless he is a false prophet;
10) Every prophet will teach the truth, but if he doesn't practice his own words, he should be regarded as a false prophet.
11) And every prophet who has proven that they are in fact genuine, whose illustrations occasionally appear too worldly when teaching about the Body of Believers, yet he scrupulously does not teach others to copy his illustrations, shall not be judged negatively among you, for God will judge righteously. For his example came from the ancient prophets.
12) Whoever says in the Spirit, "Give me money," or something similar thing, do not listen to him. But if he solicites that you give to the needy, none should judge him.

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