Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Shepherds?

“And there were Shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.” Luke 2:8 (NIV)

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem the only ones who were told about His birth were the lowly shepherds. The angel did not appear to the mayor or the rulers of the town. He did not appear to the wealthy land owners or the business men. The angel appeared to shepherds, the lowest of all citizens of Bethlehem.

I think that the shepherds were the first to know because the baby that was born would be the Lamb of God. Jesus came into the world to die a sacrificial death. No longer would people have to bring a lamb for a sacrifice. Jesus was the final sacrificial lamb. Shepherds had experienced the birth of a lamb many times. The normal rough outdoor men became tender when they were confronted with the birth of a helpless lamb.

I think the shepherds were the first to know because Jesus would be the Chief Shepherd. The leaders in the church are called under shepherds because they are under the One who is King and Head of the church. This helpless baby would one day rule the world. I think that these shepherds knew that the baby was to be one of them caring for the helpless sheep.

The shepherds did a most unusual thing when they heard from the angels. They left their sheep in the field and went to the Bethlehem. They knew that a lamb would be born in a stable so they went directly to the stable to find the baby. I don’t think that they discussed what would happen to the sheep if they left them. As unusual as it was for shepherds, they left the sheep on the hillside where they were vulnerable to the predators. In their hearts they knew that this baby was more important than the sheep and if what the angel had told them was true then the angels would protect their sheep.

One day Jesus taught His disciples about the Good Shepherd who would give his life for the sheep. I am sure that these shepherds were good shepherds who would risk their very lives for the sheep but the message from the angel compelled them to act in the most unusual manner. They were like the hirelings that Jesus described. They were like the hirelings in that they left their sheep but unlike the hirelings they left their sheep for a very different reason. The hirelings left the sheep because they valued their lives more than those of the sheep. These shepherds left their sheep because they valued the Lamb of God more than their sheep and their jobs.

And so it came to pass that the shepherds were the first to know about the Saviour’s birth. God does not do things in the expected ways. He is a God of surprises. We can learn that we do not have to have some noble standing or be wise in the eyes of the world to come to the Saviour. We can come as these shepherds came so many years ago.

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