Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Why Magi?

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem.” Matthew 2:1 (NIV)

The first visitors that came to Jesus were the lowly shepherds. The next visitors that are recorded are the majestic magi from the east. Why was Jesus visited by the Magi? Some people have missed the fact that the visit from the magi was a few months and maybe even as much as a year and one half later. Joseph and Mary were still living in Bethlehem and they had moved from the stable and had taken up residence in a house.

Luke has always portrayed Jesus as the Son of Man. His key verse is that Jesus came to seek and to save those that were lost. He always showed Jesus as He identified with the common man. It was only fitting that he showed Jesus born in a simple setting with the common man coming to visit him.

However, Matthew showed Jesus as the King of the Jews. Matthew begins his gospel with the words, “A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David.” Matthew carefully shows that Jesus was a descendant of David and thus an heir to David’s throne. It was only fitting that the King should be visited by royalty. Jesus as the creator of the universe will one day rule as King of all creation. The Magi knew that He was a King so when they arrived in Judea they went immediately to Jerusalem which was the seat of power. Where else would a King be born other than in the Royal City? They went to the palace of King Herod thinking that it would be Herod’s son. When they inquired where the new King was Herod went into a panic. A king would be a threat to his power and he had to be found and destroyed.

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