Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tabernacle of witness

The Tabernacle is also a picture of the believer and we are called to be witnesses. Acts 1:8 says that we are to be witnesses. The Christian should be a witness to the presence of God to the world. The Christian should also be a witness to the purity of God. However, there is a movement today among Christians to be more like the world. When you are like the world you cannot be a witness of God's purity to the world. The Christian is also a witness to God's protection. It is not that God keeps Christians from disaster, though He can, but rather that Christians know that whatever happens to them they are under the care of the Almighty God. Finally, the Christian is a witness to the provision of God. They have need of nothing more than God. It is sad that many Christians want more here and now. As one preacher put it, we should be health and wealth but have a focus far greater than this world. We will have perfect bodies and we will have riches untold but not here but when we go to be with Him.

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