Sunday, December 22, 2013

Duck Dynasty

This past week the church got its shirt in a knot.  You would think that it was persecuted for presenting the Gospel but rather it was because of the cancellation of the contract of the star of the show Duck Dynasty over some statements that he made to GQ magazine.  Phil Robertson made some very clear statements regarding the gospel but he then made statements about homosexuality.  What he said was his right and I wouldn't call what happened to him taking away his freedom of speech.
What concerns me is the reaction of the church to what happened.  You would think that the Gospel was muzzled.  The problem the church has is that it equates homosexuality to the Gospel.  They way some people talk you would think that a person would have to give up their homosexual life style before they became a Christian.  This puts the gospel message as a works gospel rather than a gospel of grace.
I remember a fellow worker and friend asking me one day, "Can a homosexual be a Christian?"  At first I wanted to answer "no" then I changed my mind and wanted to answer "yes" then I was back to "no" again.  Finally I said, "Anyone can become a Christian.  Becoming a Christian has nothing to do with how good you are but how helpless you are to do anything about yourself.  However, once you become a Christian the Holy Spirit will not allow you to continue in your sinful lifestyle whether it be homosexuality, adultery or any other sin.  Once a person yields themselves to Christ it is Christ who saves but He also changes us."
Christians are not called to be moral policemen.  We should work for the better of society and especially in the area  of abortion we should do our part to stop this atrocity against the helpless.  Christians need to show that Christ loved them so much He died for them but He also loved them so much that once they are adopted into His family He will not let them remain the same.
Is homosexuality a sin?  Yes it is as is fornication, adultery and other sexual sins.  Let us tell the world why we believe that these are sins but the greatest sin of all is the rejection of the Saviour.

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