Saturday, November 9, 2013

Two Loves

Moses was a man that was torn between two loves.  These loves seemed incompatible; a love for God and a love for the people.  When Moses prayed there were two things that dominated his prayer; his tender concern for the nation and his passionate jealousy for the reputation of his God.  God even gave him an out.  He could destroy these people and begin again with Moses.  This tore Moses apart.  He loved these people and even more he was concerned about the reputation of his God.  This could never happen.  What could Moses do?  Moses understood that God was a God of law, after all he had stood on Mount Sinai, but he also knew that God was a God of grace.  Because God was a God of the law Moses understood the terribleness of sin so his only appeal for the people was grace.  This grace was more than God's mercy on the people it was God's very presence among the people.
Sometimes it is hard to love the people of God.  We see them chasing after the gods of this world.  They seek status, money, things, power, pleasure but they don't seem to seek God.  They seek God for what He can give them or what He can do for them but not for Himself.  This can tear at our heart.
What changed Moses' heart?  Moses had a glimpse of the glory of God.  What we need if we are to have these two loves is a glimpse of God's glory and then we will have shining faces.

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