Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Abraham, Jacob, Moses all had encounters with angels. Angels play an important role in the lives of many of the Old Testament saints. Thirty years ago today I had an unique experience. My mother was in the hospital and was very much alone. Our Pastor and I went to visit her and she asked us if we had seen two children leaving her room as we entered. We told her that we had not and she was surprised that we had missed them. We were surprised that children would be allowed into the hospital by themselves. As we talked with her our Pastor asked her what they said and did while they were visiting her. She said that they came in, sat in the chair by her bed but did not talk. He asked her if she was afraid and she said "no" but rather they had brought her comfort. At that point we sensed that God had sent His angels to bring peace and comfort to mom at a time she needed it. The writer of Hebrews tells us that we have encountered angels unaware.

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