Monday, October 14, 2013


I was a teacher so I asked a lot of questions.  Most of the time the questions were used to direct thinking.  Jesus asked a lot of questions and His questions were not for obtaining information but for teaching.
Yesterday the pastor preached on Luke 7, the story about Jesus, a pharisee and a woman.  At one point Jesus turns to Simon the pharisee and asks him, "Do you see this woman?"
Simon might have responded, "Of course I see her.  She came into my house uninvited and invaded my party."
Jesus may have responded, "No Simon, do you really see this woman?"
Again Simon may have responded, "Yes I see her.  She is a woman of loose morals, the kind of woman I wouldn't have anything to do with."
Once again the question, "Simon do you see this woman?"
This woman was one for which Christ came to save.  She is not an intruder, she is not a statistic but a person.
The same question comes to us.  Do you see this man?  Do you see this woman?  Do you see this child?  We may say that we see a drunk, a drug user, a prostitute, a thief, a street person but do we really see that the person is someone who God loves.
Open our eyes Lord that we may see.

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