Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cop out!

What do we mean when we add the phrase to our prayers, "If it be Your will?"  Many times it is just a cop out.  Now before you jump all over me I know that the Lord prayed, "If it be Your will let this cup pass from me."  I also know that in the Lord's prayer we are taught to pray, "Your will be done."  However most of the time it is a cop out.  We have not taken time to learn what the will of God is.
I think of a small child making a request of his or her father.  The words come out, "But you promised."  The child never says, "If it be your will can we go to the park."
We need to lay hold of the promises of God and when we pray we say, "You promised."  Prayer of faith is asking God to do what He has promised in His word.  Finding out what God's will is takes time and effort.  We cannot or should not become lazy and say "If it be your will"  when we can find out the will of God by study and meditation on His word.

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