Thursday, March 28, 2013

But you encourage them

When we lived in the Philippines we often had people come to our gate asking for food, a drink of water, clothes, or just to talk.  They would see us come home and come running down the street to our gate.  One of our missionaries told us that we were encouraging them by giving them something to eat or drink.  I couldn't help think of Christ's words when He said, "As much as you have done it to the least of these you have done it to me."  I wonder how that missionary would have responded if Christ was the one asking for food or a drink of water?  Of course we encouraged them because they needed our help.  Our only disappointment was that we could do only so much. 
In the Philippines we saw a lot of poverty; beggars on the street, people living in squatter homes, etc.  Moses reminded the Israelites that it was their responsibility to care for the poor.

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