Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Back to the Basics

I was a Mathematics teacher and often at the start of a new class you would have to go back to the basics.  Without a good understanding of the basics you had nothing to build on.  The basics changed as the students advanced but there were some basic principles that they needed to review.
Once after a devastating loss the legendary coach of the Green Bay Packers called a team meeting.  Vince Lombardi began the meeting by saying that it was time to get back to the basics.  He then held up a football and said, "Gentlemen, this is a football."
Once in a while it is important that we go back to the basics.  For the Christian the basics begin with the Gospel.  We need to ask the question, "What is the Gospel?"  Too often we get sidetracked talking about other issues, which are important, that we forget what is fundamental, what is basic.  This Sunday we are going back to the basics.  What is the Gospel and why is it important?

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