Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank you Rob and Harold

I would like to say thank you to both Rob Bell and Harold Camping. Now I don't agree with them but I still would like to thank them. Rob Bell wrote a book about heaven which I believe, but I haven't read it, that I think is heresy from all the reports that I have read. However, he did bring about a discussion on the reality of hell and why it is an important doctrine. Without the doctrine of justice how could love win?
Harold Camping promoted the Lord's return for May 21, 2011. May 21 has come and gone but the Lord has not returned. Why I would like to thank Harold is that he too raised the issue and many people stopped to think about the second coming. Now I know he was wrong even before that date as Scripture is clear about making such predictions but at least it got people talking. Too bad people have to have false teaching to make them aware of the truth.

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