Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Impossible Phone Call

Suppose that a friend told you that he was going to call you between 6 pm and 8 pm. You had to go out for half an hour, what is the probability that you didn't miss the phone call? Since you were home for 90 of the 120 minutes the probability would be 90/120 or 0.75. Suppose you were only home for 10 minutes over that period of time then what would be the probability? Since you were home for 10 of the 120 minutes the probability would be 10/120 or 0.0833. What is the probability that the phone call came between 7:43 and 7:51? Since that time would be 8 minutes then the probability would be 8/120 or 0.067. Now what is the probability that the call would come at exactly 7:00? Since there is 0 minutes then it should be 0/120 or 0. However, the call could come at exactly 7 so what is wrong with the logic? It is the same with the Lord's coming. What is the probability that He will come at exactly 6 pm on May 21, 2011? It should be 0 but it still could happen. We need to be ready not just for that time but for any time.

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