Thursday, November 18, 2010

Jesus and Jonah

When Jesus was asked for a sign He told them that the only sign He would give them would be the sign of Jonah. Jonah's three days in the fish was a sign that Jesus would be three days in the grave. Even though Jesus compared Himself to Jonah there are more differences than there are similarities. For example:
1. Jonah fled from the will of God while Jesus delighted to do God's will.
2. Jonah suffered for his own sin while Jesus suffered for the sins of others.
3. Jonah preached about God's wrath while Jesus preached both the wrath and the love of God
4. Jonah saw a remarkable positive response to his message while Jesus' message was rejected.
5. Jonah became upset at the repentance of sinners while Jesus delights in their repentance.

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