Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cartoon characters

Jonah believed that the Ninivites were one dimensional cartoon characters. They were wicked enemies of God's people and needed to be destroyed. However, he thought of himself as much more complex. He hated the Ninivites but you need to understand why he hated them. There were people who he loved, his people, and those he hated, the Ninivites. The Ninivites disobeyed God and needed to be destroyed. He disobeyed God but he had reasons. His disobedience didn't define him, according to his thinking, but you needed to understand him before you could pass that kind of judgment upon him.
Are we guilty of the same thing? Do we see someone you has misled us labeled them a liar while we lie but we have reasons, it is not, we say, what defines us.
People also reduce God to a one dimensional character. He is a God of love or He is a God of wrath. However, God is not a cartoon character. He is much more complex than either you or me.

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