Friday, October 30, 2009

Jesus Superior to All.

In this section the author shows us that Jesus is superior to the angels because He is God. He has a superior relationship because He is the Son of God. He is superior because He is worshipped by the angels and you only worship One who is greater. He is superior because He is the creator and the angels are created beings. But He is also greater than the angels in His destiny. There never was or never will be an angel to whom God will say what He said to His Son, “Sit on my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”

To prove his argument the author quotes from the Old Testament. Most of the quotations are from the Psalms but he also quotes from the prophet Isaiah. His use of Scripture proves that the Old Testament is relevant and authoritative and that it applies to Christians. It also proves that the words of the Old Testament are not merely human utterances but that they are the very words of God. Finally, it shows that we can see in the Old Testament, as we study it in the light of the New Testament, a meaning and significance in its references to Christ that could not have been understood by the readers before the time of Christ.

Today we have many people who claim that they have a further word from the Lord for today. Though it is difficult to argue against these people there is one thing that we can do, we can search the Scriptures to see if their message is in line with Scripture. When Jesus Christ came He was God’s final word to man. We do not need any further revelation but what we do need is more of Jesus. When Paul went to Berea the people heard his message and they went home and checked it out with Scripture. We need to follow their example. The reason why so many people are misled today is because they don’t know their Bibles.

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