Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rahab and the Gibeonites

Rahab was a prostitute and the Gibeonites were liars but both had heard about the true and living God and came to Joshua for safety. Rahab came as an individual and God honoured her faith. She and her family became part of the nation of Israel. The Gibeonites came as a group and they too became part of the nation of Israelites. Rahab became an ancestor of Jesus Christ. The Gibeonites became caretakers for the tabernacle and worship of God. For both the cost was great. Rahab and her family could have lost their lives. The Gibeonites came under attack by their allies.
What abut us? We too are under the wrath of God. However, we can be assured that God will keep His promise to us. His command to Joshua was that they keep the oath that they had made to the Gibeonites, how much more will God keep His oath to us.

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