Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Free Gas

A church in Georgia is giving away tickets for to win $500 of free gas. They say that there goal is to get the people into the church to hear the gospel. The pastor says that he found Jesus' feeding of the five thousand the scriptural backing for what he is doing. Interesting, let us begin with an idea and then see what Scripture we can find to back up our idea. What if Joshua did that? Before he attacked Ai he was on his face before the Ark of the covenant which represented the presence of God. He was more interested in the glory of God than his own ideas. Why do people think that they must help God out? Jesus fed five thousand but on Pentecost morning there were only 120. What happened to the other 4880? Jesus was concerned that many would follow Him because of what they could get out of it. What will this church do next to bring people in? Once we have started down that road we have no idea where it may end.


MandieCurtis said...

Not only were there only 120 following Christ on the day of Pentecost, John tells us that after Jesus fed the 5000, EVERYONE left him with the exception of the 12 disciples because... they had no where else to go.

So if this pastor wants to follow Jesus' example from John 6, he could use the free gas give-a-way to get people in the door and then drive them away with the offense of the Gospel. That would truly be following the example of Jesus.

GDAC Bible Studies said...

Exactly. Why do people think they have to have a gimmick. It is as if the Gospel is not enough and we must spice it up. Sad but true.