Friday, January 25, 2008

Does God want me to...?

I received a letter from a farmer who said that his tractor had broken down and last summer is one month old round baler had burnt. He then asked me, "Does this mean God wants me to quit farming?"
I know he wants a definite answer but I am not God nor can I speak for God. The only thing I can do is to offer the farmer some guidelines. I cannot be presumptuous and think that God will give me a definite answer for him, He may but He most likely will not.
The guidelines I passed on to my friend were: God does speak through circumstances; through His Word and through His people. One should not rely on circumstances alone but circumstances can make us stop and take stock of the situation. He should search his own heart, search the Scriptures and seek Godly counsel. God does speak to us but are we listening?

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