Monday, April 21, 2014


Paul's authority was challenged by some people in Corinth.  They said that if he had authority he would have had dreams and visions and revelations but he never talked about those things so therefore he didn't have any authority.  Paul on the other hand claimed that his authority was given to him as an apostle by the Lord Himself.  He didn't need any further revelations or visions.  His authority came from Christ and was shown through his weakness.
Sometimes people come to us and claim things for our lives.  They tell us that they have had a vision or a revelation and that the Lord has told them ...   So how do we respond?  Do we acknowledge their authority?  Do we ignore their authority?  What do we do?  I have often had people tell me that the Lord has told them... and that I should do ...  They make it sound nonspiritual if they are ignored but I must say that is what I usually do, I ignore them.  Paul choose to challenge his accusers.
I don't know how these people get their word from the Lord.  Do they have a dream, a vision, an audible voice?  Or is it something that comes from their own mind?
I said I usually ignore them but I should add that I do listen and ask God for direction and follow His leading that He often gives me through His Word.

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