Monday, February 17, 2014

A new creation

In the forward to Dave Lomas's book, The Truest Thing About You Francis Chan writes a letter to Dave.  In the letter he says the following:

Once this internal change takes place, it's as if we can't stop ourselves from acting.  That's how the Christian life is supposed to work.  Something wells up inside us and then overflows.  We have to love God.  We have to serve God.  We have to love people ... not because we're suppose to, but because we can't help it!  We don't try to love the poor - we can't help but love the poor!  We want to.  It's flowing out of every fiber of our being.  We hate lust and pride and try to rid ourselves of them, not because we're suppose to be good, but because those things aren't who we are.  When we're filled with God, His commands aren't burdensome - we actually love them!  He makes us slaves of righteousness, and we love it!

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