Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Principle

Paul gives us the principle in 1 Corinthians 1. The principle is unity but we must remember that it is not unity at any cost. The unity that we must have is in Christ. If the doctrines of Christ divide us then we will be divided as we see later in this chapter when Paul talks about the cross. Jesus is the source of our unity.
I volunteer at a Bibles for Missions thrift store. We come together from many different denominations but the one thing that unites us in our relationship to Christ and the Gospel. When we have disunity we are being immaturity, we take our eyes off of Christ and look to other leaders.
There are over 22000 different denominations and though that is a blight on Christianity we also know that we do need different denominations so that we can have a freedom of choice. If we divide over things like ordinances, worship styles, music then that will be okay but if we divide over the Gospel then we need to examine ourselves.

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