Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Christian Mind - An Awareness of Evil

One of the problems that atheists have is where did evil come from and why are some actions evil while others are good. What determines good and evil? Is it society and if it is where did society get the idea of good and evil?
Christians believe in good and evil. However, the secular mind has influenced the way Christians think. For instance, we do not think in terms of sin but rather sickness or alternate life style.
Abortion is not sin but choice.
Homosexuality is not sin but alternate life style.
Gay marriage isn't sin but human rights.
Pornography is not sin but freedom of choice.
Drunkenness is not sin but sickness.
Even though Christians may believe that these are wrong they think in terms of a councillor instead of a Saviour.
Whatever happened to sin? Christians think that a person needs a Saviour but the secularist thinks that people are basically good. How much have the secularist thinking affected the way we think?

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