Thursday, November 26, 2009

Looking for a Priest

I haven't written for over a week because I was in BC attending the Bibles for Missions board meeting and the Bible League of Canada's ministry day. I have a few thoughts regarding that day that I will share on another day.
A priest is one who intercedes to God on behalf of the people. Now I believe in the priesthood of all believers and we don't need someone to intercede for us but there are many people who come to one of us and asks us to pray for them. They feel that they need a priest to intercede on their behalf. As a Christian we should always be ready to stand in the gap for others.

1 comment:

A.W. Hall said...

We don't need another person to be a priest because we have a perfect High Priest who has gone into heaven and makes intercession for us. Another human cannot intercede for us like Jesus Christ can. How quickly we forget this truth.